Marcos Assunção

Associate Professor
Department of Software and IT EngineeringÉcole de Technologie Supérieure
1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
Montreal (Quebec) H3C 1K3
+1 514 396-8800 |
Email: assuncao at acm dot org
About Me
I am an associate professor at the Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS) of Montreal, Canada.
Before joining ETS, I was a researcher at the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation, Inria (2014-2020) and a research staff member at IBM Research (2011-2014). I have published over 60 academic papers and deposited more than 20 patent applications. I hold a PhD in Computer Science (2009) from The University of Melbourne, Australia, with a thesis topic on resource allocation among computational grids. Other relevant facts:
- Recipient of an IBM Research Division Award.
- Postdoc on energy efficiency of large-scale distributed systems at INRIA, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France.
- Member of the ACM.
- I like to code.
My research interests include:
- Reinforcement learning for reconfiguring data stream processing applications.
- Elasticity of data stream processing applications on edge and fog computing.